Monday, May 18, 2009

Kroger Trip 5/18 $.77!!

Oops, I forgot to add the 2 Cool Whips to the picture. I bought this all for $.77 (and $.22 of this was tax!)
Transaction #1:
Bought 5 Kraft BBQ Sauces, used 5 $.75 qs (which my store doubles) from 5/3 smartsource.
1 Betty Crocker Cake Mix used $1 coupon that Kroger sent out (you can sign up with Kroger and every once in awhile, they'll send you coupons.
Final Cost: $0 and I got a $2.50 catalina coupon for my next purchase for buying 5 Kraft BBQ sauces.
Transaction #2:
4 Kool-Aid 8 qt mixes $1 each Used 2 $1 off of 2 qs from Kraft Foods!
2 Cool Whips $1 each Used $1 off 2 q from Kraft Foods!
1 Swiss Miss Mix Used Free coupon send out by Kroger
Used my $2.50 Catalina q from previous purchase
Final Cost: $.77!!
Yes, I do have quite a bit of BBQ sauce, however I do donate many of my items to our church pantry!

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