Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I'm boycotting Target

So I've never bad-mouthed a company on this blog before, but I have had 2 horrible experiences (in the last 2 times that I've been) at Target recently and it's just so frustrating!
I've been couponing for a few years now and ALWAYS have an issue with Target and their coupons! I even carry the Target Coupon policy with me as I've had so many issues with them!

First, Target doesn't does a horrible job of marking their Target coupons with sizes or correct products. Then you get up to the cash register and the cashier simply states they can't accept the coupon as the product isn't the right size. For Example, right now there's a $1 Target coupon on ANY General Mills cereal, I bought the General Mills Cereal bowl and they wouldn't accept my coupon. I even had trouble with the $1 Skittles Crazy Core Coupons, I bought the bag for $.52 and was told I couldn't use my $1 coupon, the manager finally had to come over and override it.

Secondly, My last trip I bought an item on sale for $.99 and had a Sunday Insert coupon for $1, I was told that they thought I was using fraudulent coupons (yeah, don't ask me how they're fraudulent when they're from the Sunday paper?) and made me go to another cash register as they sorted out the issue. (Yep, with 2 kids standing at a cash register for 20 minutes...horrible) After advising the manager, I told them all they needed to do was decrease the amount of the coupon to $.99! It still took awhile for them to figure it out.

Thirdly, they don't train their cashiers very well, as I mentioned in the above paragraph I even had to advise the manager how to handle the coupon and it was still an issue!

I'm at the point where I'm just not going to's too much of a hassle and I'm treated like a criminal! It's absurd! Sorry, I just needed to vent!


Tracy said...

I too have not had a great experience with Target. The cashiers don't seem to know how to handle coupons! I don't have a Super Target near me, so maybe the Super Targets are a little better with coupons as they have more people come in with coupons, but the Target cashiers just don't seem to know how to handle them.

Christy said...

They really don't have that many food and toiletry items on can typically get them cheaper elsewhere!