Saturday, August 1, 2009

July Budget!

So how did my budget look for the month of July?? I didn't do too bad, I spent $209.39 and saved $1,560.17, for a total of 13%!!! The best part about this is $49.81 of the $209.39 was spent on Birthday and Christmas presents. So, if I just look at the food and toiletry portion I only spent $159.81 this month! Trust me it has taken me awhile to get to the point that my weekly budget is $50 and of course there are times that I go overbudget. $50 is just the number that I try to stay within. Once you have a stockpile of items that you bought for Free of very little it's much easier to stay within a smaller budget!

There were some great deals this month which is why we only spent 13% (free meat and salad at Meijer, free Organic lemonade at Kroger), let's see what the month of August holds!

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