Sunday, August 23, 2009

Just a Note

So I've been reading from Hosea, it's not a long book, but it just struck me. In Hosea it talks about how the nation of Isreal has turned away from God and how they have put other gods before God. In those days they made Bronze calves or other statues that they would worship. I think to myself well, I don't make or have statues that I pray to and worship, but then I started thinking of all of the things that I do put in front of God. If I'm crunched for time during the day rather than turn off the computer to do my devotions I tend to let them slide and say "oh, I'll just do them tonight". Then night rolls around and I say "I'm just so tired, I don't want to think, I just want to veg in front of the TV". In my own way, I'm putting things of this world between myself and God. So even though I'm not worshipping bronze idols, I'm showing God that the things on this Earth are more important than he is. So, my goal is to take the first 1/2 hour or so of my kids quite time in the afternoon to do my devotions then I can accomplish everything else that needs to be done. In the end, it doesn't matter how much you can save at the grocery if you don't have a relationship with God!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy. Just come across your site. Very unusual and so good with saving money.. especially with the credit crunch. Please reply as I might not be able to find your page again. Thanks