Thursday, November 18, 2010

Giant Eagle Free Zone order those coupons!

Here's another great deal that you'll want to order coupons from Ebay for!!!  Starting today Giant Eagle has Zone Perfect Single Bars on sale for just $1 each.  Guess what...there are coupons on Ebay for $1 off 1 making them FREE you'll just pay for the coupons! Remember to go through here (Ebates, see below) for additional cash back!

Therefore, here's how it boils down for the coupons that I found.

Ebay Zone Perfect Coupons
40 coupons for $4.98 ($2.49 for each set of 20)
+ Shipping of $1.10 (for ordering 2 or more, make sure to order from the same person!)
Final Cost: $6.08 for 40 bars which is just $.15/bar!!!

Again, it does pay to order coupons on Ebay!!  Don't forget (which I didn't forget this time!) but if you go through Ebates, you'll receive an additional 2-6% back from your order.  If you don't know about Ebates...check my post out here (You'll get $5 just for signing up and it's totally FREE!!!) 

It's so easy to use Ebates, click here and then login or sign up, then simply type in Ebay into the search area, then click "go" and then click "shop now" and it will take you right to Ebay!  That's all you need to do!

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